Working on different projects...
Calling All Green Thumbs!
This spring, you can purchase a flat of flowers for the garden and look to see if the Flat, or Tray mold was made here!  This is one of several being made for a specific client.
We are sure you will see this in a playground near you!  Most of the playground parts we make tools for are shipped world wide.  Major restaurants and installation chains buy the products they install from our customers!
When spring has sprung, we are sure many children will slide into a fun day on products our team made tooling for.
This rocket shape end cap for a candy store display gets the children's attention and accelerates the fun of visiting the store!
Well, as you can see here, some of our customers and their projects are just out of this world!
This CNC cut tool is not very thick but has allot for an operator to handle in a short cycle time.  Steel bushings, round handles on the clamps and hinges help make the operator meet the restricted time frame so they make it on time!
This is a flower pot prototype that we made for a client, it was made,painted and emailed photos were used for approval and it was shipped direct to their customer for the sales meeting all in 4 days!
Here we are CNC cutting an aluminum block from 3D math data provided to us from a client.
In this photo, we are hand laying fiberglass for a master pattern.  This project will be used to recreate several pillars used in the construction industry.
Here you see that our team has completed a multiple tooling project.  Not only can we give you a great job once, but we can repeat the quality you and your customers deserve!
Secondary operations are a breeze in this holding fixture!  The RPT robot does all the drilling and cutting that is required in the finished part!
Here you can see that steel tooling can have lots of shape!  Pictured below is the lid of the tool.  The area you see is approximately 16 inches x 20 inches.
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