Working on different projects...
Looks like a tire swing, but no dirty cloths when your done riding this one!  As a commitment for mosquito control and stained clothing this product was launched and doing well!
This is one of many livestock waterer projects we have assisted in designing and building for our client.  We also provide them with component drawings and exploded views for their customers.
Aluminum tooling is forgiving to a point, if you forget a clamp however it will break.  The guys are making the repair to this tool to get it back into production for those who need more storage on your ATV!
The slide pattern shown in the first of our projects pages, is now back as a casting.  The guys put a plan together to get this job ready for our customer.
Most new home construction has a front verandah that has the roof held up with one, or several of these.  Our customer makes these available to builders in diameters from 6 inch all the way to 12 inch diameters!
Some say that close only counts in horse shoes, team member Jim stands beside the real thing here with the CAD rendering from our customer on the left.  Just a few tweaks and they are ready for production!
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